
Family Support

Providing support for families through peer-led groups.


Community Education

Expanding community understanding of FASD so that our loved ones are better supported within society.



Our programs build community, and provide social and educational opportunities suited for people experiencing FASD.

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) affects an estimated 1.5 million people in Canada.
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) affects an estimated 1.5 million people in Canada.

But that is an underestimation; many cases of FASD are never diagnosed.

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How You Can Help

There are three main ways you can help us to support our families: you can donate money, you can donate time, and you can learn more about Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder.

Inspiring ideas

Our Story

Hi, my name is Ruth Charles and I am the founder and board chair of Blocks & Bridges. I am the parent of a child diagnosed with FASD. My child is charming, brilliant, funny, and creative — who also happens to have this lifelong brain injury. The challenges and joys have been immense, and resources to help were extremely limited. Even with supports in place, parenting a child with FASD can be very challenging; schools do not always know how to support our children, we end up being called away from work to pick up our children from school, and financial issues often ensue.

After three years of co-running FASD Connection Peel, a support group for families experiencing FASD, and seeing our group grow in number, I knew more support was needed, so I founded Blocks & Bridges. Blocks & Bridges supports families and individuals experiencing FASD, educates the wider community, gives our loved ones the tools that they need throughout life.

I want my child and others like them to have the opportunity they deserve, to truly participate in and belong as part of the community.

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Do you have the desire to work with your hands? Are you willing to learn something new? The opportunity to transition into the Trades is an area that allows individuals diagnosed with FASD to tap into that part of their brain and create value. This opportunity allows individuals to expose themselves to a world that facilitates and supports sensory functions.


FASD impacts all of us. Yet it is not easily recognizable. This guide will help you better understand what it is, and how you can best handle it when confronted by it. Get this free resource to help.


Are you a caregiver or would like to be, this guide offers you the tools to get you started and or to prepare yourself for the amazing opportunity to be a change agent. Get this free resource to help.


This initiative is designed to give you an opportunity to give and help us support families by bringing various initiatives to life.

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